Wide Mouth Straw Lid by Flaskars
By Woody Hearn on Oct 1, 2016 @ 5:12AM

As a driver, I spend a LOT of time on the road. And my HydroFlask Growler is absolutely essential to my survival. As It is, I already make use of a wide mouth straw lid. But, time and daily abuse have left it in a fairly sad state. So, I welcomed Flaskar's invitation to review their version of the straw lid in exchange for an honest review.

Now, I'll put it bluntly, there's not much difference between what I had and what I received. The flip up action on the straw lid itself is very stiff. To the average user this is unlikely to be an issue. As a driver, where I'm manipulating the lid with one hand, it's frustrating. I also had some issues initially getting it seated correctly on the growler. To be fair though, I had a similar issue with the one Hydro Flask provided, so that's probably just straight up user error.

I was a tad put off by the plastic, resealable baggy the item came it. It's a bit simplistic for my austere tastes. But, it serves the purpose, and I'd be washing it all before I used it anyway; so, no big deal there. Included in said baggy was the lid itself, two new 9 inch straws, and two bristled cleaning brushes. These weren't needed, exactly. But they are useful and handy none the less.

Ultimately, Flaskars' Straw Lid is exactly as advertised, and exactly what you'd expect. Can't really complain about that.

- Proper Fit
- Expected performance
- 2 additional straws
- 2 bristled straw cleaners

- Stiff "flip up" action on the Straw Lid
- Plastic bag packaging

Exactly as advertised.

Flaskars Wide Mouth Straw Lid is currently unavailable.

This product was provided for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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