Technoskin's 3DS XL Travel Case
By Woody Hearn on Feb 25, 2015 @ 2:52PM

The folks at Technoskin recently sent me a 3DS XL Travel Case for review. The first, and best, compliment I can pay this case is that theBoy immediately absconded with it. Sure I might have put the DS in it, loaded the 8 little cartridge pockets with games, and squeezed an extra stylus in the little cloth pull tab on the divider. But, I didn't get to enjoy the fruits of my labor for very long before the case disappeared into HIS belongings. When it showed up later, the one year old had the strap draped over her arm, dragging it along like a purse.

What I can tell you from my brief time with it, is that it's exceptionally well made. The materials feel nice; the stitching is solid. The cartridge and storage pockets on the inside are adequate their purpose. The loss of a star was a hard one to nail down; the reasons for it are almost trivial. The zipper is a little rough. Over time I'm sure the action will be smoother, but who knows how long that will take as we're not daily DS players. The other big concern from my son was that he had a hard time getting the games out of the cartridge pockets. This wasn't an issue for me. But, I'm not the one that will be using the case most often. And finally, a wish. I wish there was enough room inside for the DS and it's charger. All in all though this is a fine case. I uhhh... just might have to buy another one for myself.

The 3DS XL Travel case is $24.99 on Amazon (at the time of this review)

UPDATE: The manufacturer contacted me and offered to replace the case over concerns about the zipper, and indicated that they are currently designing a version with space for the charger.

This is not a paid review.

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