Samto 3D Drawing Pen
By Woody Hearn on Dec 2, 2015 @ 11:57PM

Hot on the heels of the 3D printing craze was the 3D drawing pen. Feed in the media and draw in the air. It's an interesting concept that's a bit more difficult in practice than that simple description would make it seem.

Samto's 3D Stereoscopic Printing Pen comes with a 110-240V power adapter, three 10 gram 1.7mm ABS filaments (blue, teal, and yellow), instructions, and a microfiber cleaning cloth. The filaments feed into the back of the pen, heat up, and are extruded from he nib much like a hot glue gun. The material quickly cools leaving a 3D "drawing" in its wake. I would liken it's use to building rather than drawing and must admit the process takes some practice to get used to. Move too fast and the shape doesn't remain true; move too slow and the material bunches up and makes squiggles. There are feed speed and temperature controls meant to help ease the severity of these instances. But, they require experimentation and practice as well.

The quality and durability of what you produce will be dependent, in part, on your ability to engineer the final design as you build. What I made was simple, crude despite years of experience working with stone, bronze, and clay. I can see the potential, but I'm going to need to spend much more time with the 3D Drawing Pen before considering myself proficient with its use.

With the nozzle heating up to as much as 230 degrees, I wasn't quite comfortable letting my 8 year old play with it. I imagine, my resolve on that will melt like so much filament soon enough as I'm interested to see how he approaches the process. There's not a lot of filament material included. Though, it doesn't seem to be very expensive to buy more. His time may come as soon as I order a bulk spool.

- Easy to operate
- Novel form of creative expression
- Relatively low operational and material expense

- Hard to master
- Not really for kids

It takes time and practice to become proficient, but provides an interesting distraction until you get there.

Samto's 3D Drawing Pen is available for $59.99 from Amazon. (At the time of this review.)

This product was provided for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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