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Comic for: December 9th, 2015
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Star Wars: "Miles and Miles"
Posted: Wednesday December 9th, 2015 by

I read yesterday that people in Hollywood had already begun lining up for the Force Awakens. Apparently the line started forming, as the behest of LiningUp.Net, on the 5th. If you're not currently aware, the movie doesn't open until the 18th. This is a story in two parts though. One part is the desire to recreate the massive lines in front of the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Boulevard for previous Star Wars premieres. The other part is that it's for charity, benefiting the Starlight Children's Foundation.

I've read all the info provided by LiningUp.Net. But, I still have no idea how it's supposed to function. The people in line are there for the chance to buy 2 tickets to opening night. Tickets aren't guaranteed. Anyone that can't attend is encouraged to donate via GiveActually. Now, I understand the desire to donate, but I don't understand how it relates to the line. Those people would be there regardless, right? Are they also donating? Does the cost of the tickets go to the charity? Maybe it's the desire to be part of something "bigger"? I just don't know.

Now that being said, to qualify for a chance to buy tickets, you have to be in line for at least 24 hours over the 12 days leading up to opening night. For each additional 24 hours you log, you can buy one extra ticket (up to the maximum you requested at registration and while supplies last). LiningUp.Net is also providing those in line with "line badges", and you can buy a special Force Awakes Line T-shirt (again, while supplies last).

I lack the patience to line up for just about anything. So, with all sincerity, I tip my hat to anyone that can.

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