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Advertising on GU ( Last Updated: August 27th, 2013 )
For over 24 years GU has offered game related humor to its fans free of charge. In that time it has become one of the more popular online comics on the net, particularly in the MMOG communities. Well over 100 thousand gamers a month stop in to take in gaming humor, news, reviews, and an active, intelligent community centered around discussion of the gaming worlds hot topics.

Since its inception GU has been linked by every major MMOG site, countless fan and community sites, [H]ard|OCP, Slashdot, Joystiq, Game Politics, is a comic staple on MMORPG.Com, and has been published in Computer Gaming Monthly and Der SpieleKurier.

For our ratecard, full mediakit, and/or further information regarding advertising on GU, please send inquiries to our GU Comics Sales Representative at:
Basic Advertising Details
The are two areas available to advertisers on GU that see the lion share of GU's overall traffic. Those two areas are:
Ad Positions
Leaderboard Space:
This is a 728x90 pixel space.

Tower Space:
This is a 160x600 pixel space.

Ad Block Space
There is also a 300x250 pixel space that exists at the bottom of every page.

For a rate information, full mediakit, and/or further information regarding advertising on GU, please send inquiries to our GU Comics Sales Representative at:
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GU Commissions
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