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Comic for: March 29th, 2013
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Everquest: "No More Prexus"
Posted: Friday March 29th, 2013 by

After Wednesday's "return of the Vision" comic, I went to look at the Everquest server list and saw that Prexus, my beloved server, was gone. It had been merged and merged again. So Vhah now resides on the Rathe. Well... the assumption is that he resides on Rathe. I haven't logged in to see if he is still there. I'm a little afraid to if I'm honest. If he got deleted, renamed, or corrupted, I'd be devastated. I'll let you guys know the first time I get a chance to log in.


Tomorrow (3/30) is the last day for GU Ad Free contributors to log in and make changes to their information. Again if you didn't receive an email with your login information, please contact me ASAP so I can get you squared tonight/early tomorrow. The Login site goes down on the 31st so that fulfillment of perks can begin.

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