Dragon Age Origins: "Avoiding Distraction"
Posted: Tuesday November 3rd, 2009
Today is Dragon Age's release day. And it seems Ted has done everything he can to make sure he gets to play the game without interruption. I suspect some of you have gone a similar route. If not with Dragon Age specifically then with some game in the past. What I'm after here are your stories of holing up to play a game. Doesn't need to have been release day. Anything'll do.
Me personally, I've done plenty of marathon sessions of gaming. AD&D, Warcraft, Starcraft, EQ, WoW, Lego Star Wars. But having a job like mine, it's kind of expected. It's damn near a requirement. But, I never really prepare anything in advance. I forget to eat. I forget to drink. I basically turn into a gaming zombie, feasting on graphics and drinking gameplay.
And hey Bioware, if you're reading this. Me and I'm sure a few others on the forums are a little short on cash at the moment. Hook a community up?
Note: Bioware isn't reading this.
Today's Pimpage: Woody is wearing a "GEEK" shirt from Threadless.Com.
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