Comic for: January 7th, 2009
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Gaming News: "Integrity for Pennies"
Posted: Wednesday January 7th, 2009 by

UGO Entertainment has puchased the 1Up Digital Network which includes popular gaming sites 1UP.com, MyCheats.com, GameVideos.com and GameTab.com from Ziff Davis Media. Ziff Davis has also announced that, after nearly 20 years of publication, the January '09 issue of EGM will be the magazine's last printed installment.
Source: Business Wire [ more info ]

For a very short time early in GU's history we were hosted as a UGO affialiate after they acquired Everlore. Their ad policies are what sent GU on to Keenspace. That being said I have zero proof that UGO whores itself out. I also have zero proof that 1Up secretly whores itelf out.

Me though? I'm looking to whore myself out. I haven't been paid for the ads that run on my site in a while. And my mortgage company is pissed. So, I'm having to take the situation into my own hands. I'm doing that by making myself available to you for commissions, zombifications, panel sales/signing etc.

I've localized the info as much as I could on the following page:
Artist for Sale!

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