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Comic for: November 23rd, 2006
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Guest Strip: "Hitman Wii"
Posted: Thursday November 23rd, 2006 by

I'm not sure if Ben decided Agent 47 needed to take out his aggression on Wii gamers, if he's commenting on the chaos of console release days, or if he's making a request for Nintendo to approve a Hitman port for the Wii console. Or maybe he's poking fun at my "death of Ghost" strip. I dunno. Here's what he had to say about his guest strip.

From Ben:
well i saw your call for help and figured ill try, it isnt my best work iam kind of traveling at the moment and my tablet dont work so good on a train. anyways here dude. ill try and do another one for ya once i get off again. just link my site: iqm.deviantart.com.

Ben "Grimm"

Well, whatever the reason behind the strip, and no matter the issues surrounding it's creation/submission, I appreciate it.
Thanks Ben!

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