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Comic for: January 25th, 2007
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Ghost Rider: "Flaming Skull"
Posted: Thursday January 25th, 2007 by

I don't hate Nicolas Cage; I just don't enjoy what he calls acting. So when I heard he'd be playing the part of Ghost Rider in the upcoming film of the same name, I reacted strongly. The movie hits theatres February 16th. And, if you're a huge fan of the Ghost Rider comics or Nicolas Cage, I encourage you to go see it.

I mean hey, for all I know, Cage might completely redeem himself. But, from what I've seen in trailers and teasers... I'll be waiting for the DVD release. I'm hoping the video game adaptation of the movie is good, though most folks might pass on it because it's not going to be available on next gen consoles which seems a little odd to me.

For more information about the film, here's a link to the official website:

For information on the game:


Arrrgghhh... I couldn't freakin' resist! (1/26)

In what could only be classified as adding insult to injury, the idea of the movie producers further demonstrating their animosity popped into my odd little head yesterday shortly after finishing the writeup. And, being unhappy with the news I found last night and this morning, I surrendered to the nagging little voince in the back of my brain that was chanting "tapioca arms, tapioca arms". I have no excuses.

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